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别名: 边域之城


法国巴黎,右翼选举如火如荼,不同派别相互攻讦,城中一片混乱。亚利克斯(Aurélien Wiik 饰)、汤姆(David Saracino 饰)、法瑞德(Chems Dahmani 饰)、赛米(Adel Bencherif 饰)和亚丝敏(Karina Testa 饰)是一伙年轻的穆斯林劫匪,他们趁乱抢得一笔钱,计划携款逃往阿姆斯特丹。逃往途中,赛米中弹,其余四人分成两伙逃亡。  汤姆和法瑞德逃到位于国境线附近某偏僻森林的旅馆中,性感耀眼的姬尔波特(Estelle Lefébure 饰)和克罗蒂娅(Amélie Daure 饰)令二人醉倒温柔乡,乐不思蜀。不久,失散的亚力克斯等人赶来会合,却发现他们陷入一个新纳粹分子的血腥屠杀营……  展开全部


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  • 2018 2.0


    该片由5个短片构成,米克·加里斯(《恐怖大师》《伦敦狼女》)、乔·丹特(《天堂执法者》《活埋前女友》)、大卫·斯雷德(《水果硬糖》《暮光之城3》)、北村龙平(《无人生还》《午夜食人列车》)、 Alejandro Brugués(《僵尸胡安》《杀出个黎明》)分别执导5段。

  • 2010 1.0


    乐珊珊(尚雯婕 饰)是演艺圈里一颗冉冉升起的新星,天性崇尚自由的乐珊珊不满意于经纪公司填鸭式的活动安排,和经纪人之间产生了矛盾,一怒之下,乐珊珊上演了“离家出走”的戏码,只身一人来到风景秀丽的江南小镇,决定在这里给自己好好放一个假。   期间,乐珊珊结识了名不见经传的落魄画家沙立(李晨 饰),两人在误打误撞之中救下了一只小熊,两人遂扮演起了“熊爸”和“熊妈”的角色,精心照料和保护着小熊。镇上出现了四个神秘男子,他们四处探访寻查,只为找到小熊的下落,他们四人的目标十分明确,那就是活捉小熊,活取熊胆!

  • 2019 2.0



  • 2016 10.0


      布朗神父(Mark Williams饰演,他是哈利珀特系列里的Arthur Weasley,英国喜剧演员,编剧和主持人)是切斯特顿笔下的著名侦探,矮个子,圆脑袋,身材胖儿可爱。手边常有一把标志性的大雨伞,他天性怕羞,说话有些结巴,看起来憨厚纯真,似乎与探案不搭边,却大智若愚,有着很锐利的直觉。

  • 1958 6.0


    Middle class student Bob Letellier enters a new world when he meets Alain, a free-thinking rebel who, along with his group of young Parisians, has opted for a life of instant gratification instead of work and commitment. At a party, Bob meets a young woman, Mic, who appears to be just as carefree and cynical as Alain. Mic's only dream is to own a luxury car, and with Bob's help, she manages to find the money to but it. Mic's friend Clo discovers she is pregnant and, not knowing who the father is, she asks Bob to marry her. When they next meet at a party, Bob and Mic deny that they have any feelings for one another - a declaration that soon leads to tragedy...    Marcel Carné is widely regarded as one of the standard bearers of French quality cinema of the 1930s and 1940s, responsible for such masterpieces as Quai des brumes (1938) and Les Enfants du Paradis (1945). How ironic then that, in 1958, towards the end of his film-making career, he should make a film which dared to portray the attitudes and behaviour of the 1950s youth, in a way that effectively captures the mood and sentiment of the time.    Les Tricheurs was a hugely controversial film, not least because of its blatant depiction of adolescent free-love, and was even banned in some regions of France. It also received some intensely unfavourable reviews, most notably from the young hotheads on the Cahiers du cinéma such as François Truffaut who cited this film as a prime example of the decline of French cinema into mediocrity. In spite of all this negative press, the film proved to be an astonishing commercial success, attracting five million cinema-goers, and was awarded the Grand Prix du Cinéma français in 1958.    Whilst Les Tricheurs is not as flawless as Carné's earlier masterpieces, it is nonetheless a significant work, having the power to both shock and move its audience, whilst having great entertainment value. It evokes the mood of its time in a way that few French films of this period did, depicting young people as pleasure-seeking rebels, rejecting the austerity and discipline of the previous generation whilst pursuing a life without cares, responsibilities or love. Similarities with James Dean's films of the 1950s (most notably Rebel without a Cause) are apparent, although Carné's treatment of young people is far more abstract - in his film they merely symbolise a world that has lost its way, more or less victims of post-war prosperity. Although the young people in Les Tricheurs lack the authenticity to be totally credible, the film does make an important, and indeed quite disturbing point, about where the permissive society may be heading.    Much of the pleasure of the film is in the performances from its four lead actors, Jacques Charrier, Pascale Petit, Laurent Terzieff and Andréa Parisy, although only Terzieff is really convincing in his role. Marcel Carné originally considered Alain Delon and Jean-Paul Belmondo for the parts of Bob and Alain respectively, before opting for Charrier and Terzieff. As a consolation, Carné offered Belmondo a smaller part in the film - alas too small for the actor to be noticed by the public. Belmondo's breakthrough had to wait until the following year when he starred in Jean-Luc Godard's revolutionary A bout de souffle, a film which offers a very different perspective of the youth generation.

  • 2014 6.0



  • 2021 6.0



  • 2021 6.0
  • 2007 5.0


    耗资五千万辛苦拍摄一个月的蔡依林最新专辑《特务J》的音乐电影,今天终于完整的呈现给所有媒体,长达70分钟,分成三部曲的《特务J》音乐电影,由JOLIN担任女主角与三位亚洲当代当红男演员金载沅、冯德伦及吴嘉龙担纲演出,今天JOLIN特别打扮一身银色的亮丽造型,手举着《特务J》闪亮水晶钻石枪,对空“鸣枪起跑”,宣布《特务J》的预购正式开始!   第一次进电影院欣赏自己担任女主角的JOLIN,坦言其实看到自己出现在大萤幕上,真的觉得“很害羞!”被问到与三位男主角合作的感觉,JOLIN想了一想,觉得到现在一想到还是觉得很不好意思,因为三部曲中都有和男主角各有一段爱情故事,JOLIN表示:可能当时因为时间真的很紧迫,心中一直有种不能拖延的感觉,所以大部分重要的戏,都是2~3次就OK,自己也很惊讶可以这么快进入状况,很开心能和同时跟三位专业级的演员合作,让她学习到不...

  • 2019 3.0



  • 2018 6.0
  • 2015 6.0


    The black and white lady's complete animated animation is based on the popular 3D girl character animation adapted from the popular Yuk i Yukie original case. The black and white lady announced the TV animation on August 10th and is scheduled to be broadcast on TV TOKYO in October 2013. Miss Black and White is the 3D virtual idol character of Minjiang Yuyi's performance in Marc...

    相关问答🤡 👻 💀

    1、问:《 边域之城》 🤡 👻 💀什么时候上映时间?


    2、问:《 边域之城》 国产剧在哪个电视台播出?

    答:《 边域之城》 目前只有在腾讯视频、爱奇艺、优酷、狠狠影院频道等线上播出。还没有在其他影视频道上推出。

    3、问:犯罪片《边域之城》 演员表

    答: 边域之城🤡 👻 💀是由泽维尔·吉恩斯执导,卡瑞娜·泰斯塔,奥雷利昂·维依科,Patrick Ligardes,塞缪尔·勒·比汉,埃斯特尔·莱弗比尔领衔主演。犯罪片 。该剧于2007在腾讯爱奇艺狠狠影院优酷、等平台同步播出。


    答:狠狠影院免vip在线观看地址: http://hdsk.cn/videos/112968.html

    5、问:手机版免费在线点播《 边域之城》😈 🤩 有哪些网站?


    6、问:《 边域之城》评价😈 🤩 怎么样?


    丢豆网网友评论:泽维尔·吉恩斯 导演的作品有欢笑、泪水、喜悦和悲伤...,虚拟世界中的感情是丰富多彩的,不同于我们在现实中不开心的时候一直玩的感觉。当我们看完它,我们会感到更舒服。

    豆瓣电影网友:《 边域之城》与其他作品不同,没有紧迫感、虚浮的情节和凌乱的画面不断地教导我们,不像老师和家长的教导(为了遵守这里,我省略了冗长的词)。当我们看电影、电视剧或综艺节目时,我们经常融入其中,无意识地理解这些似乎不容易被我们发现和理解的真相。此外,当你看视频时,你会发现这是现实中更贴近教学的教学!




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